Join Scott for the freshest, most-up-to-date strategies
and techniques for the 4 steps of Stress-less Self-hypnosis™

How awesome would your life be if you could program yourself to be more positive and successful, while
easily letting go of negative emotions? Self-hypnosis is an incredible and powerful tool for making
significant changes in your life as you relax.  Self-hypnosis has been used to stop smoking, lose weight, stop
nail biting, sleep better, overcome fears, increase confidence, and improve public speaking.  Imagine
having fun and going into trance.  In this informative and entertaining class you’ll discover how you can use
self-hypnosis for your benefit.

You’ll also learn how to:
•        Utilize the relaxed, focused state of self-hypnosis or trance
•        Program your mind for success with effective suggestions, affirmations, and visualizations
•        Defuse negativity, anger, worry, and stress
•        Increase control over your emotions
•        Boost your confidence and motivation

Scott E. Weiner, CH, is a certified hypnotist and NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner,
who has been trained in hypnosis for pain management. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists
and presents a seminar at their annual conference. He is known for helping people make significant positive
change in just a few sessions. He helps people to stop smoking, stop nail biting, lose weight, increase
confidence, and reduce stress with hypnosis. His unique credentials enable him to deliver high impact mind-
body seminars: he earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy and has worked 8 years in the pharmaceutical industry.

Join Scott for the freshest, most-up-to-date strategies and techniques for the 4 steps of Stress-less
Self-hypnosis™ in
2008 on: January 15, February 6, March 5, April 2, May 7, June
4, or July 8, 2008
from 6:45-9:30pm in New York City. Starting in mid-May 2007 you can sign up
online at the Learning Annex.

Learning Annex. Location to be announced in Manhattan. Register and pay by phone or online.
Often you save $5 by registering online.

Here are a few participants’ comments about what they like best about Scott E. Weiner’s Stress-less

"Excellent.  Not a wasted moment in the workshop."
"Please write a book!!"
"It was great and helpful.  Thanks a lot."
"Every one of the techniques is important and useful to me."
"Quick, easy techniques."                 "Hands-on way of learning."
"Well organized.  Covers significant amount of material with the time!!"
"Scott's knowledge of other helpful books and techniques available."
"Personality of presenter.” “Scott Weiner is wonderful!"    
"Enthusiasm of Scott Weiner."      "The humor of Scott Weiner."

Contact Information
Scott E. Weiner, CH
Member: National Guild of Hypnotists
Certified Hypnotist
. Ph.D. in Philosophy . Stress Reduction Trainer
(914) 699-1238
Scott E. Weiner, CH. P.O. Box 473 Fleetwood, NY 10552-2913

Copyright 2004-2007. Scott E. Weiner. All Rights Reserved.
Scott E. Weiner will again be teaching at the Learning Annex
The Amazing Power of Self-Hypnosis:
Program Your Mind for Change
Interview about this Seminar in