“Scott Weiner's teaching is as good as his hypnosis. First Scott taught some basic and
very effective techniques to alleviate fears. Then we had the hypnosis session.  What was
great was that
I felt very comfortable using the techniques at home.”
Stacey Morris, Open Space Organizing

"Scott Weiner introduced me to powerful theories on positive visualization, relaxation,
hypnosis, and learning."
Dan Hoffman, CEO and President, M5, Networks, Inc.

I guide your imagination, help you to create and clarify your goals, and support your motivation to take
appropriate action. I am your facilitator, collaborator, and educator for hypnosis to empower you to create
the changes you desire.

As an educator and trainer, I clarify and discuss the processes we are doing.  I teach you the skills and tools
of self-hypnosis, stress management, and goal setting and action planning, so that you can successfully do
these yourself.

I help you develop and use the power of your imagination to design compelling goals and to stay
motivated to achieve success.

Hypnosis to Reduce Stress
Hypnosis to Stop Smoking
Hypnosis to Lose Weight
Hypnosis to Stop Nail Biting
Hypnosis to Improve Sleep
Hypnosis for Pain Management (requires written referral from your doctor)


I come to the practice of hypnotism from a multitude of backgrounds combining business, academia,
corporate training, and Improv.  I feel that this unique synergy of experiences and approaches increases
my understanding of my clients' challenges and ways to achieve success.  I integrate these backgrounds
and techniques into a structured, systematic Iearning program that is customized for each client.

•  Certified Hypnotist (C.H.), Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists
•  NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner
•  Stress Management Trainer
•  Co-founder of a consulting and training company
•  Ph.D. in Philosophy with a focus on language, systems thinking, and change
•  Published in peer-reviewed academic journals and delivered papers at professional conferences
•  Creative Problem Solving Institute participant and facilitator
•  Improv studied at Second City, UCB, and Summer Improv Retreat
Member:  National Guild of Hypnotists   

“Scott  Weiner is very knowledgeable; it is clear that he uses these techniques himself and
brings experience and enthusiasm to the sessions.” Maryellen Shepley

“With a Ph.D. [in Philosophy] and many further years of study and self-exploration, Scott
Weiner has
attained a mastery and wisdom which I found to be effective and helpful.”  
Andrew Seidenfeld, Director of Media Relations, No Problem Productions (PR Firm)

“Scott Weiner takes his work very seriously and has studied hypnosis in great depth. He
knows his stuff!
Ed D’Angelo, Librarian

Scott E. Weiner received training in hypnotism (National Guild of Hypnotists certification training, 2004) from
Melissa Tiers, a certified hypnosis instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists, at 292 Fifth Avenue, 4th
Floor, New York, NY 10001.

Mr. Weiner is a Certified Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and does annual continuing education
to maintain his training at a high level.  The National Guild of Hypnotists is the oldest and largest hypnotism
organization in the world and its certification is the most widely recognized credential for the professional
practice of the hypnotic arts.

Mr. Weiner has taken additional advanced hypnotism training for pain and discomfort management and
complementary medical hypnotism, including:

“Complementary Medical Hypnotism” (August 2005, Rev. Dr. C. Scot Giles who directs the first medically-
approved, hospital-based program that uses hypnotism as an adjunct in the treatment of cancer and Arthur
A. Leidecker),

"HypnoAnesthesia (Use Of Hypnosis And Auto Hypnosis) In The Management Of Pain" (August 2005,
Ron Eslinger, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist since 1975),

“Informed Client Technique For Chronic Pain” (based on the work of John Sarno, M.D.) (Melissa Tiers,
August 2005),

"10 Steps . . . Using The Mind To Heal The Body" (July 2005, Kevin Creedon),

"Changing Pain® Addressing Chronic Conditions" (June 2005, Daniel F. Cleary).,

Other trainings and seminars in hypnotism include: National Guild of Hypnotists Annual Convention and
Educational Program (August 2004 and 2005) and "Advanced Hypnotism Techniques"  (Melissa Tiers, May

Mr. Weiner is a NLP Master Practitioner and has received training in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Practitioner 1997, Master Practitioner 1998) and courses in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Advance Hypnosis
(1997, 1998) from Steven Leeds and Rachel Hott at the Advanced Communication Training, Inc./NLP
Center of New York, 24 East 12th Street 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003. In addition, he has studied NLP
with: Steve Andreas, Kevin Creedon, Sally Chamberlaine, Shelle Rose Charvet, Robert Dilts, David
Gordon, Christina Hall, Tim Hallbom, and Robert Klaus.

Mr. Weiner's corporate trainer background includes: Training and Organization Development Certificate
(NYU), Accelerated Learning Certificate (Center for Accelerated Learning), Certified Instructional
Designer/Developer (Langevin Learning Services), Advanced Online Learning Designer Certificate
(Capella University), Facilitating Creative Problem Solving Courses (Creative Problem Solving Institute),
Creative Training Techniques Course (Bob Pike).  He has been a corporate trainer for
AT&T and Executive Director and instructional designer of a training group with clients including
AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Ortho-McNeil, Pfizer, Roche, and Schering-Plough.

Mr. Weiner, with an international team, has co-facilitated the foundational "Springboard" course at the
Creative Problem Solving Institute.

Mr. Weiner's M.A. (1985) and Ph.D. (1989) are in Philosophy. An M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy do not
qualify Mr. Weiner to practice any licensed profession.

Mr. Weiner received his B.A. from Cornell University in Philosophy and Psychology.  He earned his Ph.D. in
Philosophy with a focus on systems thinking, language, and change at SUNY/Stony Brook and several years
of doctoral research at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany.  

Mr. Weiner has taught at Marist College, SUNY/Stony Brook, Dutchess Community College, and in adult
education programs.  His college teaching specialized in courses on logical and critical reasoning,  
business ethics, and philosophy of education.  He has published in peer-review academic journals on
Hegel, Merleu-Ponty, and habits as well as presented papers on Hegel at academic conferences. His
philosophy specializations were 19th and 20th Continental philosophy (including Hegel and German
Idealism, Nietzsche, and Phenomenology and Existentialism of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and
Merleu-Ponty) and systematic philosophy (Spinoza, Hegel, and Whitehead).

FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  Hypnotism is a self-regulating profession and its
practitioners are not licensed by state governments.  I am not a physician nor a licensed health
care provider and may not provide a medical diagnosis nor recommend discontinuance of
medically prescribed treatments.  If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from
a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time.  In the event my services are
terminated by a client, the client has a right to coordinated transfer of services to another
practitioner.  A client has a right to refuse hypnosis services at any time.  A client has a right to be
free of physical, verbal or sexual abuse.  A client has a right to know the expected duration of
treatment, and may assert any right without retaliation."

Mr. Weiner is a member of the Bronxville Chamber of Commerce, Business Council of Westchester, and  
Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce.  He belongs to American Society of Training and Development,
Creative Problem Solving Institute, and New York City Midtown Coaching Center.

For hobbies, Mr. Weiner enjoys Improv, writing short stories and comedy screenplays, and attending or
facilitating self-improvement and self-management skills workshops.

Services provided by Scott E. Weiner are not intended to take the place of professional counseling or
medical or psychological care and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and
treatment. Mr. Scott E. Weiner’s instructions and the information provided are, and are intended to be,
educational in nature, providing information, instruction, support, and encouragement. Mr. Scott E. Weiner’s
Ph.D. is in Philosophy and he is a certified hypnotist.  Mr. Scott E. Weiner is not a licensed physician or
licensed mental health professional or psychologist.  Mr. Scott E. Weiner  does not hold himself out to
provide any form of health care or psychotherapy. The services Mr. Scott E. Weiner renders are held out to
the public as nontherapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the
capacity for self-hypnosis. Mr. Scott E. Weiner does not represent his services as any form of medical,
behavioral or mental health care, and despite research to the contrary, by  law he may make no health
benefit claims for his services. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care
decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. If you are under medical or psychological
care, obtain a written referral from your provider.

For more information about Scott E. Weiner's sessions, click on the
following links:
Hypnosis Sessions
Corporate Background
What Clients Say
Hypnosis Information for Medical Professionals
Gift certificates for Hypnosis and Guided Imagery Sessions
Hypnosis to Reduce Stress
Hypnosis to Stop Smoking
Hypnosis to Lose Weight
Hypnosis to Stop Nail Biting
Hypnosis to Improve Sleep
Hypnosis for Pain Management (requires written referral from your doctor)
Send email to
Scott E. Weiner

Office Locations

Guided Imagery and Hypnosis to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Stop Nail Biting, Improve Sleep, Increase Confidence, Manage and Reduce Stress, Learn Self-
hypnosis, and Pain Management (requires written medical referral).
Scott E. Weiner, CH, Certified Hypnotist, Hypnosis offices conveniently located in Westchester (White Plains, NY) and Midtown Manhattan

Copyright 2004-2007 Scott E. Weiner. All Rights Reserved.
Certified Hypnotist Scott E. Weiner's Approach and Background
For more information about these challenges click on the links above;
for info about Scott E. Weiner's sessions, click on links at bottom of page