Give a unique gift: Gift certificates* for hypnosis sessions.
This fun gift, long remembered, is very relaxing and soothing!
Give someone the meaningful gift of helping them have a healthier lifestyle.
What a great way to say "Thank you" or "I love you."
Which of these would be  a special gift for someone special?

Click on above links for further information about success with that challenge.

"Scott was able to put me into the deepest state of relaxation that I have felt for a long, long
time. Much better than a health spa or a jacuzzi! I would recommend Scott to others. Scott
knows what he’s doing. For anyone who wants a hypnotist, they can do no better than Scott.
Hypnosis is a simple technique without side effects that you can take home with you and
ultimately learn to do yourself. That makes it for me a first line of defense against whatever
ails you.”
Ed D’Angelo, Librarian

*Please note: Some restrictions may apply. In some cases, written referrals may be required.
All pain management and complementary medical hypnotism require written referral from

“I have been smoke-free from day one of the sessions. My results were wonderful. I am a
non-smoker for life.
My overall impression of hypnosis superseded my expectations.”
Wanda I. Molina, Architectural Draftsperson

Profound and immediate results, after a lifetime burdened with negative thoughts. This
was more direct than psychotherapy, and
went straight to the focal point of the problem.”
Frank L, Parker, Paralegal Specialist

“I was surprised at how easy and natural hypnosis is. I think everyone can benefit from
hypnosis and the work that Scott has to offer. As a method,
hypnosis enables you to take
control of your challenges and direct your life in the way that you want it to go
Maryellen Shepley

“I had severe pain in my shoulder. Several visits to doctors did not help—even a shot given
by one doctor. Finally I went to Scott Weiner.
After his hypnosis sessions I was
.   His soothing voice and techniques were all I needed. A light pain returned a
few days later. I repeated the procedure Scott taught me and
I have been pain-free ever
.”  Mildred Segall, retired teacher

“I lost 8 pounds during the past 3 months using Scott’s hypnosis in conjunction with a
diet program.  I am gratified because it occurred during my busy tax season when I
normally put on weight.”
Jeffrey Segall, CPA

“The results are fantastic and still coming. Always professional and extremely consistent,
Scott was very giving of his time and knowledge.
I highly recommend Auto-hypnosis
which Scott trained me in. This is the first time I addressed this challenge directly and Scott
was extremely supportive and diligent in helping me on my journey.
I recommend Scott to
anyone seeking not only the experience of hypnosis, but also solid techniques that get
results that last!”
David H.

"To my own amazement, I have not bitten my nails once since our sessions together
months ago.  It’s been
a great change for me." Lenny O., Computer Scientist

“My goal for hypnosis was to overcome my fear of flying and a fear of elevators. I had tried
behavioral therapy, and had even learned to fly to get over my fear, but
nothing really
. After working with Scott, I completely lost my fear of elevators, and although I
haven’t had the chance to fly yet, I
have no fears or apprehensive symptoms when
thinking about flying. Whereas I used to get sweaty palms, increased heart rate, and
apprehensive feelings, I don’t have those symptoms anymore.”
Stacey Morris, Open Space Organizing

“Before, I may have gotten upset when something unpleasant triggered me. Having been
with Scott Weiner for
one session, I now sometimes use this technique to regain my
sense of calm and composure, enabling me to react in a thoughtful and appropriate
Andrew Seidenfeld, Director of Media Relations,  No Problem Productions (PR Firm)

For more information, about                                     Member: National Guild of Hypnotists           
Scott E. Weiner's sessions,
click on the following links:
Approach and Background
Hypnosis Sessions
Corporate Background
What Clients Say
Hypnosis Information for Medical Professionals
Hypnosis to Reduce Stress
Hypnosis to Stop Smoking
Hypnosis to Lose Weight
Hypnosis to Stop Nail Biting
Hypnosis to Improve Sleep
Hypnosis for Pain Management (requires written referral from your doctor)
Send email to Scott E. Weiner

Office Locations
Guided Imagery and Hypnosis to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Stop Nail Biting, Improve Sleep, Increase
Confidence, Manage and Reduce Stress, Learn Self-hypnosis, and Pain Management (requires written
medical referral). Scott E. Weiner, CH, Certified Hypnotist, Hypnosis offices conveniently located in
Westchester (White Plains, NY) and Midtown Manhattan.

Services provided by Scott E. Weiner are not intended to take the place of professional counseling or medical or
psychological care and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Mr. Scott E.
Weiner’s instructions and the information provided are, and are intended to be, educational in nature, providing
information, instruction, support, and encouragement. Mr. Scott E. Weiner’s Ph.D. is in Philosophy and he is a
certified hypnotist.  Mr. Scott E. Weiner is not a licensed physician or licensed mental health professional or
psychologist.  Mr. Scott E. Weiner does not hold himself out to provide any form of health care or psychotherapy.
The services Mr. Scott E. Weiner renders are held out to the public as nontherapeutic hypnotism, defined as the
use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis.  Mr. Scott E. Weiner does not
represent his services as any form of medical, behavioral or mental health care, and despite research to the
contrary, by law he may make no health benefit claims for his services. Please consult your health care provider
before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. If you are under
medical or psychological care, obtain a signed, written referral from your provider(s).

Contact Information
Scott E. Weiner, CH
Certified Hypnotist
. Ph.D. in Philosophy . Stress Reduction Trainer

Offices conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan and Westchester
(914) 699-1238
Scott E. Weiner, CH, Certified Hypnotist, P.O. Box 473 Fleetwood, NY 10552-2913

Send email to Scott E. Weiner

Scott E. Weiner, CH, Certified Hypnotist: Guided Imagery and Hypnosis to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Stop Nail
Biting, Improve Sleep, Increase Confidence, Manage and Reduce Stress, Learn Self-hypnosis, and Pain
Management (requires written medical referral). Hypnosis offices conveniently located in Westchester (White Plains,
NY) and Midtown Manhattan.

Copyright 2004-2007. Scott E. Weiner. All Rights Reserved.
Unique Gift Certificates* Guided Imagery and Hypnosis Sessions
  Stop Smoking  
 Lose Weight
  Reduce Stress
  Stop Nail Biting
  Sleep Better
  Pain Management*
  Motivation to
Take Action and Optimism
  Performance
   Public Speaking
For more information about Scott E. Weiner's sessions,
click on the links above and the other links at bottom of each page